Monthly Archives: July 2015

I believe and so I speak

Spark from afar

I was having my morning devotion when I stumbled on this phrase “believe and therefore speak” in 2 Corinthians 4:13. Speaking nice and sweet things are so easy when the sailing is smooth but we tend to whine, moan and doubt what we actually believe when storm hits us. And so I meditated on the verse and came up with these:

I believe in God’s perfect love and so I speak that through all my imperfections, I am sure that He loves me just the same.

I believe in God’s everlasting faithfulness and so I speak that in life’s up’s and down’s, I know that He always got my back.

I believe in God’s amazing grace and so I speak that even in my weaknesses, I got His enabling grace to be the woman He wants me to be.

I believe in God’s perfect timing and so I…

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