Monthly Archives: February 2017

Love’s Value


Father, I pray in our struggles we will find the value of being kind.

Help us through our times of tears when sadness is all around,

when our trials do us confound.

Give us strength to go that one step more

for those who are rich

for those who are poor

for the homeless dying out in the biting cold

for the young and the old

for the prostitute and the destitute

for the disabled and the abused

for those who in their circumstances feel alone

for that hurting soul sitting by a silent phone

for the gambler and the addicted

for those who with daily agonizing pain are afflicted

Give us willing hearts to work together to reduce the problems in our community

To offer that outstretched hand of compassion to suffering humanity

Seeing the importance of offering love with every breath we breathe

Such a joy to give

Such a joy to receive

Kevin and Karen Osborne are Christian pastoral counsellors.  Kevin is studying to become a chaplain and professor of Psychology specializing in Pastoral Theology. We have started You Can Hope Again Counselling. Karen enjoys doing cross-stitch while I like writing and singing songs. Karen makes me laugh when she sings the kitty bed-time song saying, “It’s that time. It’s the bestest kitty time of the day!” Kevin enjoys teasing the kitties and making them do kitty dances with music. Their kitty, Catherine, loves it when kitty daddeh sings All Things Bright and Beautiful. Kevin likes doing impressions. He tells children’s stories and helps others with their problems using his hand puppet, Dr. Teddy, who is a therapy bear. He is a partner with us in our counselling practice.We are available to assist with worship and preaching to give busy pastors and ministers a much-needed break. We offer in-office, and phone counselling to anyone in the world.