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“Darling, did I tell you today…?”

Image result for I john 4:7 roses with Scripture

Dear husbands and wives:

I dedicate this piece to God, my wife, Karen, and your marriage. I pray it will inspire you to write an expression of thanks to your wife for the amazing woman of God she is! It doesn’t have to be eloquent. Just say what is on your heart. The best writing comes from the heart. If you’re not a writer one prayerful sentence is all that is needed. When whatever you say is bathed in God’s spirit speaking to yours, believe it will accomplish His purpose. Please remember that whatever struggles you are going through if you keep your love rooted in our Father, your marriage will blossom like a beautiful rose in the spring. Spend time before your Lord in the garden of His reviving peace.

The things of darkness seek to crush the things of light. But if you trust in God and lean not on your own understanding, He will direct your path (Proverbs 3:5-6). Simple is seems. It’s not. The Enemy will throw many stinging arrows at your wife and you to erode your marriage. Some attacks will be subtle barely noticeable until you find you are both depleted and worn down. You may end up sniping at one another. You could be criticizing your wife or husband in public without being aware of the damage you are inflicting upon your marriage. Check in with your spouse. Ask, “Darling, are we okay?” Be prepared for an honest critical evaluation. Don’t accept that your spouse says everything is alright when you know it’s not. Wherever you have gone wrong ask God for the strength and the courage to admit it. Do everything you can to keep the fire of God’s love alive in your marriage. Please remember why you love another and got married. Take time to nurture your marriage. Draw away from the noise of life to refresh your spirits.

I pray this message will bless your marriage. Communicate with one another. Don’t allow issues to pile up. Don’t delay seeking out a marriage counsellor. Sometimes, you need some help over the rough spots, and that’s okay. Better that than waiting until you have major issues to deal with that could threaten your marriage.

Father, please use these thoughts to reach out to married people in whatever circumstance they are facing. I offer them first to You, Karen, and all married couples. Amen.

Darling, did I tell you today…?

Darling, did I tell you today how much I love you, how much you mean to me?

I pray this truth you’ll always see.

You are the second greatest joy of my life next to my salvation.

I say that without any hesitation!

Though through storms our marriage has been,

through those times when God’s peace in us didn’t fully reign within,

through each day filled with its trouble, and its joy,

I want you to know how blessed I feel,

that God brought you into my life.

Blessing of God you are!

Through times of sorrow,

through times of sickness,

through 10 intubations sitting on cold ER chairs,

praying, pleading, petitioning God that He would keep me alive,

through those times we were too blind to see,

there would be a brighter tomorrow,

through every spiritual attack,

through times of plenty,

through times we did lack,

through every situation, we have gone through,

I’m thankful for the blessing of knowing you.

Through times when because of my physical disability I have been judged

Deemed to be a second-class Christian

A weak Christian

Told that not having a driver’s license in a serious handicap to ministry.

You stood by me.

You have always believed in me.

You have told me God has me here for a unique purpose.

Suffering forming my character

Sensitivity to the pain of others

How they are thought to be weak because of being ill

A burden to society better off dead
A waste

A useless voice in their poverty

But, Father, the voice of the poor needs to be heard.

Many are rich in spirit, in experience of the hardships of life.

I knew a dear friend who was down to eating oatmeal and peanut butter.

Yet, he said to have only those two things were a blessing from You He was thankful for.

No! They and all of us are fearfully and wonderfully made.

A masterpiece of Your grace in the making

Karen, you inspired and challenged me to work hard for the experience and education I have received.

God uses you to empower me as you call me to really listen to what our Father has to say to my spirit.
You encourage me to never stop learning, growing in depth and knowledge of God’s love

Become a more effective minister, counsellor, singer, writer, songwriter, poet, a servant of our Lord

Not once have you doubted me.
You have reminded me of those who have always loved me.

You saw things in me, a potential in God, I was too broken by my abuse to see.

Believing far too many lies of the Enemy

Darling, did I tell be you today, I asked God to put a rainbow of happiness into your life?

None of us knows what will happen from one second to the next.

James tells us that our life is vapour that appears but for a while.

Then, it is gone.

Each moment is a gift.

Each day is a golden opportunity a struggling soul to lift, to listen to, to love.

Each fragment of time is not guaranteed. But whatever happens, I want you to know,

darling, my precious darling, I love you so!

We see there are ways God is reliving my daily pain.

Ways He is having us hope again

Thank you, Lord, for allowing me the blessing of knowing this loving wife, Karen,

You have given me.

I pray every day she will see the best of You in me.


Dr. Kevin James Osborne Psy D., D.Sc., D.D., is the Vice-President of Institutional and Mission Development for St. James the Elder University. He is a chaplain with Holy Catholic Church International. Dr. Kevin Osborne feels God is leading him to study more about theology, music, writing, and counseling. Dr. Karen Osborne D.Sc. in Psychology is a counselor and a writer. Our mission field is wherever God puts us for His glory. Below, is our counseling website. If you feel we can help you, we are only a phone call away at 1-705-316-0725. You can reach us also by emailing us at or

Below, is the link to our counseling website.