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The Love That Will Not Let You Go

love that will not let me go lyric

This morning as I lifted my heart to God in prayer, He spoke to my heart to turn through the pages of The Book of Praise. I was searching for a song that would speak to the weary and sad soul of a woman whom we are helping. I share only the general details to keep her situation in the utmost confidentiality. She has been emotionally abused by her husband several years. Her mother physically and emotionally abused her when she was a child. Her husband is demanding a divorce. He refuses to get counselling for his issues. He has been charged by the police with assault. We are praying through our witness she will see what true love looks like.

Leafing through the pages of this book of praise I came upon the song O Love That WilNot Let MGo. This is the kind of love we are called by Christ to give – love that will not let go; love that speaks its words of life and healing; love that soothes; love that stands with someone through their storm; love that does its best to free others from poverty of body and spirit; love that says to the homeless person out in the bitter cold, “Here’s a cup of hot chocolate, a meal and a brownie. Please take this coat, scarf, and gloves. It’s a gift.”; love that speaks its words of comfort and hope to that suffering soul; love that says,”Even though I don’t have all the answers, here I am.”; love that is real and says to those we help, “I’m a stumbling sinner like you.”; love that shows the way to the enduring hope in Christ; love that will stand against darkness in the name of Jesus Christ; love that says to those who have been abused they are not a piece of garbage; love that tells the abused and everyone they are beautiful in the eyes of God; love that says to every human-being, “God loves you with an everlasting love that will not let go.” That’s the kind of love Jesus our Saviour showed when He took all of our sins upon Himself to that rugged cross. It wasn’t love that gave part of itself; it was love that gave all of itself. It was crimson blood flowing as life drained out of Christ as He bore the cruelty of crucifixion. He spoke not of hating others, but loving and forgiving them.

Father, help Karen and me and all of us to show that love that asks nothing in return. It gives because it is the call of Christ that comes to us over 2,000 years ago to all the trials we face, to the now of our lives. It’s the love that says, “Come to Me all who are weary and burdened with life’s struggles, the harm caused you, and I will give you rest.”

Please pray for our client that as she goes through her pain she will feel the strength of God’s, ours and your love. Whatever thoughts you would like to pass along to her, please feel free to share them here, or if you prefer confidentiality email them to me at or to Karen at

If we can help you in any way, please call us at 1-705-316-0725. We turn NO ONE away because of lack of ability to pay. Something can always be worked out. Please let others you feel we could help know about us.

Today and every day let us offer others the Love that will not let them go.


Dr. Kevin James Osborne, D.Sc., D.D., Psy D. Candidate, is the Vice-President of Institutional and Mission Advancement for St. James the Elder University.  He was recently named to the office of Chaplain by Most Reverend Heyward B. Ewart Ph.D., Psy.D., D.D., who is the Head of Holy Catholic Church International. Kevin and Karen have a private counseling practice called You Can Hope Again Counselling. Kevin is a Doctorate in Psychology (Psy.D.) candidate at St. James the Elder University.  When he graduates with his Doctorate in Psychology, he feels God is leading him to postgraduate study in theology and counseling. Karen plans to take graduate studies in psychology and theology. Our journey is all about being servants of Christ’s love wherever God leads us.  Our mission field is wherever God puts us for His glory.