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Love that Forgives and Forgets

kitties sleeping together

Our kitties continue to teach us important life lessons. The most recent one is that they share the kind of love of brother and sister that is unlike that of a human brother and sister or that of any human relationship. They have a knock down drag out fight full of hissing with surround sound. A short time later they are laying on the sofa nestled together as if nothing had happened. When I think of the relationship with my brother there were times although we loved one another that we had fights that sometimes would become physical. We would say awful things to each other. Neither one of us would give in. There would be times we would take whatever issue we had with one another into the next day. We were stubborn. Our conscience bothered us though. We couldn’t carry on the disagreement. We forgave one another.

In our marriage, we try as much as possible to follow the Biblical admonition to not let the sun go down upon our anger (Ephesians 4:26). We aren’t always successful. God is still working on us as He is on all of His children. While we are adults that child within pokes its head into our marriage. We both were abused as children. The wounded child that we thank God is healing at times feels the hurt, remembers those harsh words spoken over us. We have progressed hugely in our inner healing because of surrendering our pain to God. We understand the importance of having professional therapists help us as with our Father’s grace we go further in our inner healing. It takes time. Be patient with yourself as you take that long and difficult journey of forgiveness. Please remember every step of forgiveness you take is a victory to be thankful to God for. Even if you aren’t a believer we pray you see how vital it is to your physical and mental well-being to forgive others who have harmed you. When you keep all that anger inside it will destroy you. Let it go. Bless yourself with the gift of a heart that forgives.

If I could give you a gift this Christmas season it would be this: You would give the gift to yourself of forgiving those who have hurt you. It will vastly improve your health and your life. If you can’t yet go that far, perhaps you could forgive yourself. We carry far too much false guilt upon ourselves. God never intended that. Yes, feel remorse for those things you have done wrong. Be honest with God about those you have injured. Try to make amends to those you have hurt, but don’t carry guilt in your heart like an anchor weighing you down.

Our pets teach us not to keep a record of past wrongs. Love keeps no record of wrongs (I Corinthians 13: 5). We did; it almost ruined our lives. Live each day with the spirit of love alive within you. Who knows what blessings may come your way as with God’s help you seek to forgive even if you don’t forget? God knows.

We offer you this Christmas gift wrapped in the love of Christ of a heart that forgives.

We love you!

Kevin and Karen

Dr. Kevin James Osborne, D.Sc., D.D., Psy D. Candidate, is the Vice-President of Institutional and Mission Advancement for St. James the Elder University.  He was recently named to the office of Chaplain by Most Reverend Heyward B. Ewart Ph.D., Psy.D., D.D., who is the Head of Holy Catholic Church International. Kevin and Karen have a private counseling practice called You Can Hope Again Counselling. Kevin is a Doctorate in Psychology (Psy.D.) candidate at St. James the Elder University.  When he graduates with his Doctorate in Psychology, he feels God is leading him to postgraduate study in theology and counseling. Karen plans to take graduate studies in psychology and theology. Our journey is all about being servants of Christ’s love wherever God leads us.  Our mission field is wherever God puts us for His glory.