Category Archives: On Occasions

Unusual Dream

​He sees every teardrop. He knows all your desires. He sees every effort. He knows more than you! Trust Him, He is guiding you!

The other night I had a dream. I was driving a truck pretty fast on a pretty empty freeway. I don’t know why I was speeding. I felt I was not rushing to go anywhere. But for some reason my heart was calm. As I’m typing this, I’m realizing it was God behind the wheel. The truck in my dream went off onto a ramp but the ramp was not a complete path. I found myself up high in the air and I looked down to see an entire neighborhood. It was beautiful. The truck went into nose dive and still my heart was at peace. I felt like I was flying.

I woke up but still remained calm. I laid in bed and kept my eyes closed, but it didn’t take long for my mind to somehow come up with it’s own interpretation. I really just wanted to keep sleeping. The fact that I remained calm throughout an experience that would have terrified another even if it was only a dream, tells me God is preparing peace in my heart if He did take me to be with Him today.

Last month, I was in Los Angeles visiting my boyfriend when one afternoon, my brother Isaac texted me about what happened to our mom. I called her as soon as I could but I guess she was busy on her phone chitchatting to someone else about it. She was held at gun point, not once but twice at her job where she had just started as a pharmacist on call. There were two other workers with her. She ran to the register where the panic button was. The two robbers of course demanded for her to open the register, and in her honest reply, she didn’t know how. They wanted Oxycontin as well, which she then told a lie. She didn’t have the access she said. The boys ran off only with the panic button and an iPhone of one of the workers. Hahahaha! We never got word from the investigating officers if they ever found those kids, but I doubt it was even difficult at all tracking the phone down. This calls for a verse or two from the Bible and I pick Ephesians 6:4 -​ Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. Proverbs 22:6 – Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old he will not depart from it.

Back to my story about my mom…When I had her retell the story to me, she said she felt at peace while everything happened so fast. She might have appeared panicked at first but she said she felt a sense of calm in her heart. She knew that if anything were to threaten her life again, she was positive she was going to heaven. I want to say I guess I know how it feels like now to know that I am going to heaven whenever I will have to face death. When I fully woke up that morning after an unusual dream, I remember thinking, “Thank You for not taking me yet, You know I still have so much I want to do and I want to do them for You.”

By His Grace, Sheela

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