Monthly Archives: May 2023

Focus on Beautiful Things

Photo by Oleksandr Pidvalnyi from Pexels

Are there times the stress of life gets you down?

Do you have times where it’s harder to smile?

I share with you a prescription that comes from the Bible.

It’s from Philippians 4:8.

Think about things that are lovely.

We aren’t to dwell on ugly things.

Every day our minds are bombarded with more bad news.

Mass shootings in the U.S. are taking far too many lives.

There are mass shootings that are racially motivated against black Americans.

There is increasing concern about white supremacists who teach their followers and children that they have the right to dominate other races, because white people are superior to any other race.1

It is a doctrine of hatred rooted in ignorance.

Countless numbers of civilians and soldiers are dying in the war in Ukraine.

“Intense clashes between Sudan’s military and the country’s main paramilitary force have killed hundreds of people and sent thousands fleeing for safety, as a burgeoning civil war threatens to destabilise the wider region.” 2

The cost of living is way up.

The middle class is shrinking as wages aren’t keep pace with rising inflation.

There is a widening gap between the rich and the poor.

Thousands of people are bring laid off.

The effects of global warming are destroying our world.

The possibility of individuals and families affording a home lessens as interest rates increase.

That’s just some of the awful news!

But the apostle Paul offers this sage advice:

Fix your minds upon the beautiful things.

You may find writing down the things that are beautiful about your life lifts your spirit.

Here’s my list:

God loves me

Jesus loves me

Christ died for my sins

Karen and I fall deeper in love every day

When I think I can’t possibly love her more, I discover I do.

Karen’s caresses

Her sweet kisses

Having a date day out with Karen talking, eating donuts, and drinking coffee in our car

Family who love me

The comfort I receive when our 20-year-old kitty, Princess Katherine, lays at my feet

The joy I give myself and others as I sing or share songs I’ve written

Friends who care about me

Colleagues who teach me more about what helping others is all about

The chirping of birds. I’m not thankful, though, if they do that at 4:45 a.m.:)

God’s unique paintings at sunrise and sunset, as I look at them in the sky

The laughter of children playing

The delight on Karen’s face when I give her a chocolate rose

She admires it, but can’t resist eating it, if no other chocolate is available.

Seeing trees sway with the wind

God giving me the ability to listen to someone in distress

The colleagues I have worked and work with on the Christian inspirational blog Mind’s Seat

You, my readers, who teach me, as you take time to offer your comments

I would be interested to know what your list of beautiful things are.

Please share them in your comments.

Perhaps it will cause more people to focus on the beautiful things in their lives.

Ugliness will always be there, but the beauty in life helps us cope with it.

Dr. Kevin Osborne is the Dean of Psychology and President of Student Affairs for St. James the Elder University. He is s therapist, writer, poet, and singer. He helps people in their inner healing journey. Dr. Kevin Osborne lives in Timmins, northern Ontario, Canada, with his wife, Karen. She is the Registrar for SJTEU. Karen has a B.A. in Clinical Christian Counseling summa cum laude from St. James the Elder Theological Seminary (now St. James the Elder University). She is planning to pursue graduate studies majoring in Psychology and Applied Theology. Karen is a writer and editor, and counselor. Karen and Kevin are powned by their 20-year-old cat, Katherine, a.k.a. Her Royal Furriness, Princess Katherine of Timmins.


