Monthly Archives: July 2016

The Race of Love – Please pray for our pastor with heart condition

runner well done good and faithful servant

Dear reader: On Sunday, July 24th Rev. Keith Neal, who is our pastor at Evangel Temple in Matheson, northern Ontario, Canada, experienced chest pain and dizziness. At Bingham Memorial Hospital in Matheson it was determined he experienced a serious flare- up of atrial fibrillation. This occurs when there is an irregular heartbeat that causes spikes in one’s heart rate. Those with this condition are at higher risk for stroke. He may need to have a procedure to correct this problem. Please pray for him, his wife, children and his congregation. This poem  is dedicated to him and you. 

Father, will it be said of me I walked with humility?

I ran this race with grace

Drew others to You through how I lived my life

Trusted You through times of strife

Was real with others about my struggles

Sought to teach others how to really know You

Spoke a gospel of love in both my words and actions

Answered the call You have for my life with joy

Took time to practice the power of presence


a prayer

a smile

a cup of hot coffee offered in Your Name

a listening heart

Wasn’t that why Jesus came?

Being the Light in people’s darkness

Teaching about true love in lives filled with hate

Showing others no good deed can get them past Heaven’s gate

It is only by coming to You like a child with

open arms

a receptive heart


asking forgiveness for all we have done wrong

That’s where the call of Your love does start

Can we do any less for You who gave Your best?

Christ brought to captive souls a message of liberty

He shed His blood dying at Calvary for you and me

When this earthly race is run You’ll take us home to bright Heaven’s sun,

where there is no more darkness, terror and pain,

where love will be our eternal refrain

Kevin and Karen Osborne are Christian pastoral counsellors and psychotherapists. We are starting You Can Hope Again Counselling. Karen enjoys doing cross-stitch while I like writing and singing songs. Karen makes me laugh when she sings the kitty bed-time song saying, “It’s that time. It’s the bestest kitty time of the day!” Kevin enjoys teasing the kitties and making them do kitty dances with music. Their kitty, Catherine, loves it when kitty daddeh sings All Creatures Great and SmallKevin likes doing impressions.  He tells children’s stories using his hand puppet, Dr. Teddy.