Tyler Ty-Fighter we’re with you in this fight!

For a few months our Linkedin community has followed the journey of Tyler and his father, David.R. Tyler has affectionately be given the name “Ty-Fighter.” The Ty-Fighter teenager, his father, David R., and his family are in a battle for Tyler’s life. He has acute myeloid leukemia (AML). We have been blessed with the gift of reading about the quiet courage of Ty-Fighter and his Dad. There have been the joyful times. Recently, because treatment was helping, Tyler got out of the hospital for a week to be with hos family. Then, there have been the challenging times. Tyler is in need of a bone marrow donor. David R. adopted Tyler. There is a Go Fund Me fundraiser for the family’s growing medical expenses. Here is the link for it. If you have nothing to give, you can share the fundraiser on social media. What we all can do is keep Tyler the Ty-Fighter, David R. and the family in our thoughts and prayers.


The way the Linkedin community has come together with words of encouragement and donating, has shown one of the many reasons I am thankful to be a member of the Linkedin community.

I dedicate this poem to David R., Tyler and his family.

Let us pray for Tyler to get well. He badly needs a bone marrow donor.

Ty-Fighter, David R. and family, we love you!

Tyler the Ty-Fighter, we’re with you in the fight

David R. And Ty-Fighter, we stand with you in prayer.

We ask God to bring healing to Tyler’s A.M.L.

You’re so swell!

We’ve come to know you well.

You’ve gone through good days and bad.

There have been times you’ve been glad;

other times you’ve been sad.

You’ve had your ups and downs.

You’ve been on an emotional roller coaster ride.

Some days have been better;

other days Tyler the Ty-Fighter has been under the weather.

You’ve caused us to rise to our better selves.

We’re with you in this fight.

We pray for Tyler to have no more pain —

That he’ll get to live and play without weakness again.

When you’ve cried we have too.

When Ty-Fighter’s treatments have been working we’ve rejoiced!

We’ll continue to walk with you.

Our prayers, however we can help, we will.

Thanks for reminding us what true love means.

You go that extra mile.

You learn loving others never goes out of style.

You find out the stuff you’re made of.

You learn about the priorities in your life.

We should be there for others in times of strife.

Do what we can to help someone in need.

Listen to the people we meet.

It could be a family member, colleague, a friend, a stranger on the street.

Each day we have the opportunity to love’s refrain repeat.

Life’s about the bitter, the sweet.

How will we respond to those who come our way?

Will we be there for them or walk away?

That’s the choice we make each day.

Ty-Fighter, David R. and family, we’re with you all the way!

Dr. Kevin Osborne is the Vice-President for Student Affairs for St. James the Elder University. He is a doctor of theology candidate through SJTEU. He is s therapist, writer, poet, and singer. He helps people in their inner healing journey. Dr. Osborne lives in Timmins, northern Ontario, Canada, with his wife, Karen. She is the Registrar for SJTEU. Karen has a B.A. in Clinical Christian Counseling from St. James the Elder University. Karen is a writer, editor, and missionary of the heart.

About Dr. Kevin Osborne B.A., B.Th., M.A., M.Div., Psy.D., Th.D. (Cand.)

I enjoy spending time with people just having a coffee or talking about life, philosophy, religion, politics or sharing a favorite joke or story. We learn from one another as we interact and share our joys, challenges and even our times of sadness. I enjoy reading, writing, singing and sharing in the blessing of community whether that is one on one or in groups. I'm married and am powned by two kitties named Sir William of Lounge a.k.a. Sir Lounge a Lot and Princess Catherine of Chaos a.k.a. Her Royal Highness Catherine of Englehart. Two years ago I completed my Doctorate in Psychology (Psy.D.) through St. James the Elder University. On Sept. 26th 2020, I graduated with a Master of Divinity degree from Canadian Christian Theological Seminary. These journeys were started over 20 years ago. In 1997 I received a Bachelor of Theology degree from Canada Christian College & Graduate School. Between working and studying it took 13 years to finish it. Let us pray for and reach out to each other with kindness, love and an embracing compassion. We can working together be servants with two open hands to those in need so that hate, indifference and inequality would lose and love will win. The peace and abounding joy of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.

Posted on June 6, 2024, in loving others, Poetry and tagged , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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