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kevin osborne

It is my profound life-changing blessing that God loved me so much to bring Marmar Dagu-ob into my life. I am learning so much from him and all the co-authors what it means to be love poured out and running over.

You teach me all far more than I could ever teach you. As you all share your journey with me, I learn and grow. God uses you to teach me a different way of thinking about an issue or our journey of faith.

I believe with all of my heart that we can create a better world as we work at changing ourselves. Gandhi through his noble walk of humble grace calls all of us to be the change we would hope to see in this world. True change happens as we are real with ourselves and one another.

I am here as your servant. I take on that cloak with a joy that no words I could write or speak would ever fully articulate.

I have a Bachelor of Theology degree from Canada Christian College & Graduate School, where I was a journalism intern under the tutelage of Reverend Will Rooen. Will is doing his Lord’s work in Heaven.I am a student at St. James the Elder Theological Seminary in an M.A.- Ph.D. program in Clinical Christian Counselling. I am also a Master of Theology in Missions student at South African Theological Seminary.

I give thanks to my Lord for being given the following honors by Dr. Heyward Ewart, who is the President of St. James the Elder Theological Seminary: Doctor of Science in Clinical Christian Counselling (honoris causa), Doctor of Divinity (honoris causa) and Diplomate in Creative Ministry, which includes music, creative writing and ministry.

I will be in a private Christian counselling practice by early spring, which will also use my trained tenor voice in music therapy. I will specialize in abuse, marriage and addiction issues.

I live in the beautiful town of Englehart with my gorgeous wife, Karen.

We have two kitties, William a.k.a. Sir William of Lounge a.k.a. Sir Lounge a Lot a.k.a. Sir William at Large and the notorious Princess Catherine of Chaos a.k.a. Her Royal Highness Catherine of Englehart.

We attend St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church, where I contribute a weekly thought to our church bulletin, sing in the choir and am engaged in any ministry work our pastor calls upon me to do.

My dear friends, let us journey together as I share what God puts upon my heart.

Together, let us dream no small dreams, as we all soar like the eagle to our God-given potential.

My testimony:

” I have become absolutely convinced that neither death nor life, neither messenger of Heaven nor monarch of earth, neither what happens today nor what may happen tomorrow, neither a power from on high nor a power from below, nor anything else in God’s whole world has any power to separate us from the love of God in Jesus Christ our Lord!” Romans 8:38-39, J. B. Phillips New Testament.


Sheela SicamHello, my name is Sheela. I am a new blogger. I have known Marmar since
August of 2013 and I’ve been very blessed to be given the chance as one of
the co-authors on Mind’s Seat. I will be posting at least once a week here
in hopes of uplifting spirits for the Lord. Please stop by my blog, Heart’s
Table at to read more on my positive
thoughts. Thank you and God bless! 🙂

By His Grace, Sheela


positive thinker

Hi, I’m Mike and I’m a Christian who writes Christian poetry which I share on several websites and forums for other followers of Jesus. May you be blessed by what you read and thank you for visiting. God Bless, Mike.


candice cudjoe

A young woman with a burning desire to empower the lives of many, particularly women. Through my experiences, I have been motivated to give a helping hand to the not so strong.

Woman on fire to go higher.
Follow me on twitter @arisewoman_org



Kendall Lyons

kendall lyons

Kendall Lyons, 28, is a youth minister and a writer. He was born and raised in Dallas, Texas and is a 2002 graduate from Skyline High School.

After high school, he immediately made his way to Oklahoma to attend Oklahoma Christian University (OC), where he graduated in May of 2006 with a Bachelor’s in Broadcast Journalism. Kendall is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Christian Ministry and Communications at Dallas Baptist University.

During his time at OC, he participated with the Institute for Responsible Citizenship in Washington, D.C., where he had the privilege of interning with Radio America Network as a producer, writer and reporter during the summer.

Kendall’s background in journalism also includes time with KFOR-TV NBC 4, KXAS-TV NBC 5, KNON-89.3 FM, Animation and his blog sites such as Cartoon Daily News and Biblical Point.

Kendall’s focus in ministry and communications changed slightly after being called to the ministry in May 2005. He now uses his  media experience to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to encourage and uplift children, teens and adults in schools, businesses and churches.

He currently serves as youth minister at Beth-Eden Baptist Church under his Pastor and mentor, Clarence O’Neal Preston.

During his free time he enjoys reading, drawing, open-mic-night’s at his local coffee shop and watching anime and movies.

He Loves the Lord and loves to meet and connect with people.

Catherine Gregoire

Catherine GregoireHello! My name is Catherine Joy. When I began my blog, Merely Inspired, in January 2013, never in my wildest dreams did I think a fellow blogger would invite me to co-author on their blog. Yet, here I am, on Mind’s Seat, and I’m absolutely thrilled to be invited by Marmar.
Like my goal on Merely Inspired, I hope to inspire people. As someone pursuing the dream of becoming a published author and landing a career in film, I desire for all of you to also achieve your dreams, whatever they may be.
I’ll be posting once a week, but I leave the contents of every post up to the flight of my imagination, and it is a most active imagination that God has blessed me with. We need not be afraid to embrace what has fallen (either gracefully or rather precariously) into our laps.
All are welcome at Merely Inspired- I post poems, short stories, and other inspirational delicacies. Be inspired today!

Brayden Emerick

Brayden Emerick

With a cup of her legal stimulant in hand, she sits at her dinning room table enjoying the sights of her husband’s fruitful garden and the sounds of her children playing…Wait, no that’s not them playing….Jack, put your sister down! She’s not a baby doll!
Yes, this is my wonderfully beautiful life! I’m a wife, mother, teacher, musician and author. We wear many hats, don’t we ladies? I’m in love with a man who shows me every day the love of Christ. I am a mother of two jubilant children, Jack and Shelby. I have taught high school English in Virginia for going on eight years. Bobby and I are in a band, The Fifth Sparrow, who delights in the Lord and encourages others through song. And now I’m pursuing a long-buried dream of showing the love of Christ through the written word.
Besides teaching, I am working on becoming a published author. I enjoy reading romance novels, but in this day most seem to rely heavily on sex and not enough on heart and faith. Thus where I feel my calling come into play. My novels will be Christ-centered as I believe our lives should be. And since I love getting lost in a good romance, that will be a predominate genre I write. I mean who doesn’t like being swept away in a good story instead of in a mountain range of laundry?
I pray you are encouraged through this blog and inspired to seek The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit on a daily, if not moment by moment, basis. As always, I am interested in hearing from my readers. Please feel free to share your triumphs and struggles with me so that we may rejoice and pray together!

In Christ,
Brayden Emerick

Susan Irene Fox

mind's seat
I am a Jesus follower, a committed peacemaker, and an unfinished human. My body is over 60, but I was reborn in August of 2006. I’m a lifelong learner who, for the last year-and-a-half has been taking classes in Bible studies and interpretation. For the last three years I’ve been writing devotional Bible studies for Christian families that take the uncertainty and apprehension out of reading the Bible and helps them use it in their daily lives. I was an elementary teacher for over 20 years and a writer for longer than I can remember. I’m now dedicated to using my Spirit-given gifts, grace and wisdom to build God’s kingdom.


Born in Mamfe- Manyu division- South West Region- Cameroon.
Completed nursery, primary and secondary education in Yaounde. Moved to the University of Buea for a Bsc. in JOURNALISM and MASS COMMUNICATION.
Loves reading and writing, positive talking,and being a blessing to someone, somehow, somewhere.
Believes that everyone can positively impact the world, even from a small corner of the globe.

Chris Goswami

Chris Goswami
Chris has worked for 25 years in the tele­coms industry for 3 com­pan­ies and is cur­rently Director of Marketing and Communications at Openwave Mobility, in California. Chris is an exper­i­enced speaker hav­ing reg­u­larly spoken and chaired tele­com related events in many coun­tries Since becom­ing a Christian at the age of 19 Chris has also served in many roles in local churches and is now study­ing part-time for fully ordained min­istry in the Baptist Church in the UK. Chris is married to Alison and has three (almost) grown up daughters Anna, Laura, and Sarah.
Chris blogs on and can be contacted at


Hello, everyone on Mind’s Seat! I’m Mayra, an optimistic teenager who loves inspiring people. You are all probably wondering, “Is this blogger in elementary school or what?” I know, I have a baby face. But maybe someday it will pay off, right?

I never imagined that my blog would come this far. Let alone, become a co-author! I couldn’t feel more blessed for being given this amazing opportunity and I’m excited to see how much it will impact me as an aspiring journalist.

This started out as a class assignment and has now evolved into my favorite hobby. Blogging brings me happiness and I wish to share this with all of you.

Please, feel more than welcome to visit my blog and get a chance to know who “Mayra Chipmunk Cheeks” is all about- hence my chubby cheeks! I am open to building new relationships with all of you bloggers that motivate me to keep me going!

  1. I would be honoured to share my poetry with you if you so desire. God Bless, Mike.

  2. I would love to be an author on Minds Seat. My email address is Thank you for considering.

  3. justhappeneduponthis

    This concept of a multi-twined chord of thinkers/worshipers is excellent. May the testimonies of touch, healing and reinforcement pour in to you…Doug

  4. Hey Marmar! Thanks for the invite to be an author! I look forward to joining you and others to encourage and inspire!

  5. Marmar, Kevin Osborne suggested I contact you about being an author for your site. You can find my WordPress blog at Have a great holiday!

  6. Hello Marmar, I think this initiative is a wonderful idea, and wouldn’t want to miss a chance to be part of it. Letting out a word that might speak something positive to someone is my goal. Kevin suggested I contact you about being an author for the site. Looking forward to getting your response. I manage “POSITIVE SCRIBBLES”, accessible via
    Stay Blessed.

  7. Good to see you following dragonshades. Much success in all that you do.

  8. Wow! What an interesting blog! I dropped by to say thanks for visiting and following my blog. Blessings, Cheryl-Lynn

  9. Hello All!
    I look forward to really diving into your blog. Also, thank you for following my blog at Faith1st Ministries. I hope it has and will continue to be a major blessing in your life. May God richly bless you as you continue to write and blog. Please continue with us on this journey and remember to have Faith 1st because the “just shall live by his faith.” — Sebastian

  10. Nice to meet you all ..
    All the best to you and for your task’s
    May Allah bless us all and shower peace on us. ameen

  11. Thank you for following my blog! I look forward to reading more of your posts and growing deeper in my walk.


  12. Looks like great content prepared by God’s People! Praise God!

  13. Just an FYI – I mentioned your blog at Please let me know if you want the link removed.

  14. hey 🙂 I love reading the quotes and poetry section and so I want to nominate you for the Liebster Blog Award.

  15. Marmar, Thanks for the follow. You blog and your writers are so inspiring. As Christians, we need to be lights in this world. Good work.

  16. Wow, what an amazing group of writers using their gifts to bring light into the world. Thank you so much!

  17. Pulling your efforts together is a very interesting and thoughtful idea, more so that you are from various fields of life. I wish you success in your blogging and thank you for visiting the Tower of Grace Global Ministries web site. Feel free to explore more spiritual resources in the site and continue to be a blessing.

  18. Hello there. I just wanted to drop by and thank you for following my blog. Best of luck to your future blogging.

  19. Thank you all for signing up to follow my blog! — Jane

  20. Thank you so much for following First Night Design.

  21. Thank u so much for following my blog. Your blog is awesome. Remain blessed

  22. colleenldonnelly

    Wow! Love your blog! Thank you for finding mine and bringing me to yours!

  23. Thank you for the follow on my blog You have a great concept going here. I look forward to reading more about all the authors and more of the posts. Thanks again.

  24. Thank you for following PJGover! Blessings in your ministry!

  25. Thank you for following

    This site is very unique with all the bloggers. I will be cool to follow, hearing each heart.

    God bless, all!

  26. Thanks for the follow…I’m honored. What a great collection here.

    Thanks again…

  27. Hello!

    Thank you for following my site! I hope to see you around on there and I also look forward to checking out your site!


  28. Thank you all you guys at Mind’s Seat for the visit on my blog. I admire your concept, and may the Lord bless you as you declare the love of God.

  29. Hello! Thanks so much for the follow on my blog! You have a good blog here, lots of good post for a good cause. I will be following. 🙂

  30. I love the diversity of your authors! And the common love of the Lord 🙂

  31. Hi, thanks for stopping by my blog at I’m glad you like the book review.

    I like how you have lots of people writing on the same blog. How is that for you? Do you enjoy it better than being the only writer?

  32. Thanks so much for your follow of Heart of Life Poetry, I appreciate it. I wish all of you involved in this site much joy and fulfillment in writing and in life.

  33. Thanks so much for stopping by and checking out my new blog! God has been so gracious as it has only been up and running for less than three days, but He is always gracious in confirming our obedience to His direction!
    I love the concept of your blog and how you utilize the gifts of others as this is what the Word tells us makes up the Body of Christ. We are a healthy Body when all the “parts” are working as they should! I so look forward to making time and reading more as the Holy Spirit KNOWS where to lead for inspiration,
    encouragement and teaching!
    Until next time, God bless you ALL so richly for your hearts of service (ministry) to our Lord AND to all your “neighbors!”

  34. I think your blog has achieve much in a short period of time. God bless you.

  35. Thank you for following my blog. It means so much to me! May God continue to bless the work of your hands and to prosper your ministry. Happy New Year!

    Khat Rain
    Author – Follow The Good Shepherd

  36. Thanks for following Keep on Swimming!

  37. Hello, this is the Bearded Hermit! In case you weren’t able to find my new site, I wanted to let you know that it is up and running. Find it here at:
    If you haven’t been receiving email notifications of my posts, please resubscribe.

  38. Nice to have discover your blog. Thank you for following mine. I truly appreciate the support.

  39. Hi, is there any way I could join you? Thank you. 🙂

  40. Thank you for reading and following holdingforthhisword. God bless us.

  41. Thanks for following The Game of Sport Marmar. It was like 100 years ago but thanks all the same.

  42. Great blog and thank you for the follow! 🙂

  43. It is a pleasure to meet you all.

  44. It’s a pleasure to meet you too! I think that’s such a great thing you are doing having a blog in memory of your father. My grandfather served in the infantry division of the Canadian Expeditionary Forces, which was the forerunner of the Canadian Armed Forces. He was only 17 when he enlisted. He lied about his age to be accepted into the Army. He died when I was only five most likely as the result of exposure to mustard gas. I will never forget his sacrifice and those of many millions of people, many of whom are left with permanent physical and/or developmental challenges. We must not forget what they were willing to give, that we could live as a free people in many countries throughout the world.

  45. Thank you for following Freedomborn it is appreciated,
    we of course have one Spiritual Teacher, Jesus Christ who through the empowering of The Holy Spirit leads us into all Truth although we do give Thanks to those who share God’s Truth as confirmed in Scripture, to encourage and uplift and to rebuke us if needed.

    I wish you many Blessings in your Ministry but did find it strange that Gandhi was mentioned as being worthy of Trust, he did not honor God in his Marriage or in his own walk with The Lord, we need to be very careful who we promote and what they promote.

    Christian Love and Blessings – Anne.

  46. Thank you, Marmar, for the follow of my blog. Every blessing to you and your team 🙂

  47. enjoyed reading your post thank you

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