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Mathew 4 v 1: “Then Jesus was led up by the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil”
The desire to have or do something that you know you should avoid is termed temptation. It comes in various shapes and sizes, forms and levels. And often, we are, or believe we are the cause of this. And often this is very true. When we are drawn to the lusts of the flesh and the weaknesses of our natural senses, we awaken upon ourselves the desire to do that which we know we should avoid.
However, some simple and clear truth struck me very recently, as I was considering the one person that strikes me continually – Jesus.
He, the Son of Man, fully flesh and man, was tempted. Though He was, yet His was different. It was not temptation brought upon oneself by the lusts of the flesh or whatever, as is often our case; but His was led by the Spirit.
Mathew 4 v 1 clearly says Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.
The God-kind temptation. In this I learnt in everything Christ did, there was even always a God-factor; even in temptation.
Jesus, being filled with the Holy Spirit, was led to be tempted.
Mark 1 v 13 puts it that “and he was there in the wilderness forty days, tempted by Satan, and was with the wild beasts; and the angels ministered to Him”
Fortunately, when the Spirit of God leads you to be tempted, then ALL IS WELL. The angels ministered to him while he was being tempted in the wilderness.
I am not certain this would be our testimony, because we bring temptations woefully upon ourselves, when we are drawn to the lusts of the eyes, the lusts of the flesh and the sinfulness of our hearts.
“Seek first God’s Kingdom and His righteousness …” Matthew 6 v 33 says. This righteousness can only be revealed by the Holy Spirit, the spirit of truth.
And when we make God’s righteousness our Number One priority, His Spirit is with us always; leading us to that path that makes us strong, that prepares us for a promotion. His Spirit is always with us, and “all other things shall be added unto you”.
Jesus sailed through it all; armed with the sheath of the Word, the word of truth inspired by the Spirit of truth.
A good part of our good life lies in knowing that God is true, remains on the throne, and is in control of all. If He leads one to any place, surely He knows why; and is able to take one out of there.
The God-kind temptations open us up to the next level. After Christ was tempted in the wilderness, he came out victorious and his ministry took up. It flourished.
Temptation precedes promotion, someone said, and for him who stands fast; the end is sure to be beautiful.
When things in the natural seem to deter, and where human senses fail; a switch to the supernatural sense saves. One will hurt; but in following Christ and staying true; the fruit of the end is better and greater.
If we find God, men will find us; SURELY.
Pray God; do not manufacture your own trials, lest the devil eat you up.
Let God’s Spirit lead you there!