God Understands Your Tears

Image by Dieter from Pixabay
Please listen to this song and read what my spirit felt led to write.

God Understands Your Tears

How often our words get in the way of what we want to say.

All you can do is cry.

You’re broken.

You’re weighed down by your sin.

On the outside people see you smile, but inside you’re breaking.

You don’t want others to see that side of you.

You only want them to see that you’re strong.

That’s the way you’ve been taught.

No matter what you’re going through don’t show it.

People will think how much you’ve got it together.

But you know deep inside it’s all a lie.

You’re falling apart.

What do you do then?

Who do you go to?

Are there times you feel God doesn’t understand your tears?

The pain lies deep inside.

Peace doesn’t in you abide.

Frustration fills your mind.

You see your loved one suffer.

You think you’re helpless to do anything to fix the problem.

You try to do anything you can to bring that person relief.

But everything you do fails to change the situation.

What do you do then?

The words won’t come as you pray.

You try, oh how you try, to see for your loved one a brighter day.

Tears are on your pillow at night.

You keep yourself busy doing all you can not to think about the situation.

Sadness creeps in.

It demands to be heard.

It will not go away, no matter what you do – how much you pray.

What do you do then?

Who can understand you?

Your family.?
Your friends?

Your colleagues?

All of them do their best, but the nights are lonely.

They’re long.

You get no rest.

You toss and turn as you sleep.

What do you do then?

God knows the lousy shape you’re in.

You’re on your last nerve.

You’re like a fragile glass figurine.

Just one more thing, and you’ll shatter.

What do you do then?

Our Father gets you like no other.

He understands your tears.

He hears the words you can’t speak.

He’s there in the silence.

He’s the One you need to call to.

The Lord will pull you through.

When all your strength is gone, He’s the One to focus on.

He’ll stand with you.

He’ll walk with you through the darkest of times.

God wants you to know in every circumstance He loves you.

Your sin doesn’t stop Him from loving you.

He just asks that you confess the wrong things you’ve done to Him.

Our Father forgives you when you come to Him with a penitent heart.

When you do that He cleanses each stain, every spot of sin.

He showers you with His mercy from above.

Because He loves you with an everlasting love.

God sees the way out when we can’t.

He understands your tears.

They’re liquid prayers.

Don’t stop them when they come.

Don’t push them down.
Feel them.

Don’t fear them.

They release your stress.

Let them fall.
Let them fall.

Let them fall.

God understands our tears.

He gives them to us as a gift.

Lord, melt any stubbornness that keeps the tears from coming.

Help us to be kind to ourselves and let them come.

Let us be thankful for the gift they give.

They give us the strength to be there for our loved ones.

When we fail to see this truth remind us of it.

Father, thanks for the present of tears.


Dr. Kevin Osborne is the Vice-President for Student Affairs for St. James the Elder University. He is a doctor of theology candidate through SJTEU. He is s therapist, writer, poet, and singer. He helps people in their inner healing journey. Dr. Osborne lives in Timmins, northern Ontario, Canada, with his wife, Karen. She is the Registrar for SJTEU. Karen has a B.A. in Clinical Christian Counseling from St. James the Elder University. Karen is a writer, editor, and missionary of the heart.

About Dr. Kevin Osborne B.A., B.Th., M.A., M.Div., Psy.D., Th.D. (Cand.)

I enjoy spending time with people just having a coffee or talking about life, philosophy, religion, politics or sharing a favorite joke or story. We learn from one another as we interact and share our joys, challenges and even our times of sadness. I enjoy reading, writing, singing and sharing in the blessing of community whether that is one on one or in groups. I'm married and am powned by two kitties named Sir William of Lounge a.k.a. Sir Lounge a Lot and Princess Catherine of Chaos a.k.a. Her Royal Highness Catherine of Englehart. Two years ago I completed my Doctorate in Psychology (Psy.D.) through St. James the Elder University. On Sept. 26th 2020, I graduated with a Master of Divinity degree from Canadian Christian Theological Seminary. These journeys were started over 20 years ago. In 1997 I received a Bachelor of Theology degree from Canada Christian College & Graduate School. Between working and studying it took 13 years to finish it. Let us pray for and reach out to each other with kindness, love and an embracing compassion. We can working together be servants with two open hands to those in need so that hate, indifference and inequality would lose and love will win. The peace and abounding joy of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.

Posted on June 9, 2024, in circumstances, Poetry and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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