Monthly Archives: June 2024

If you can’t see Me

If you can’t see Me, my child, I’m always near.

I’m in the misty fog when your way’s unclear.

In every heart that reaches out,

you’ll learn what I’m all about.

If you can’t see Me, I’m in every tear you cry.

I ‘m your Father Adonai.

If you can’t see Me, speak to those who can —

who teach you how to know who I am —

your pastor, church member, a caring friend, or whoever they be.

Look for Me in My Word.

It teaches you the best way to see Me.

If you can’t see Me, look for Me in the sky.

See Me in every cloud rolling by.

See Me in the gentle wind that’s My blessing.

for in it I’m your spirit caressing.

See Me in morning’s dawn —

in everything I breathe My life upon.

See Me through the morning, afternoon and evening too.

See Me in how I guide you when you don’t know what to do.

See Me when you’ve lost your way.

See Me so I can turn your night into day.

Don’t forget the best news of all!

You can see Me in My Son who answered My call,

to love everyone whether they be rich or poor,

to show them Christ, who stands at the door.

Jesus is there as we hear Him knock.

He loves all the sheep in His flock.

You can see Me in the life of My one and only Son.

He ministered for Me in wind, rain, scorching desert sun, and through storms.

My Son in a manger bare took on human form.

While He lived among us, He turned many lives around.

He did this by often using one simple word, “Come.”

Come to Me with all your sin.

Come to Me.

Let My life dwell within.

Come to Me with all your woe.

Come to Me when your spirit’s tossed to and fro.

Come to Me from your prisons of abuse or whatever they be.

I set the captive free.

Give Me all your pain and sorrow.

I’ll show you a brighter tomorrow.

All you’ve done wrong is in the past.

The world won’t give you love that lasts.

I can give you love and joy supernal.

Those are the things that are eternal.

I offer you My love when life keeps hitting you in the face.

I’ve got more than enough for the whole human race.

If you can’t see Me ask yourself, have I looked hard enough?

I’ve always been there.

I always will be.

Just call out My Name,

and your life will never be the same.

Dr. Kevin Osborne is the Vice-President for Student Affairs for St. James the Elder University. He is a doctor of theology candidate through SJTEU. He is s therapist, writer, poet, and singer. He helps people in their inner healing journey. Dr. Osborne lives in Timmins, northern Ontario, Canada, with his wife, Karen. She is the Registrar for SJTEU. Karen has a B.A. in Clinical Christian Counseling from St. James the Elder University. Karen is a writer, editor, and missionary of the heart.